I am having a hell of a time trying to push my way through Gravity's Rainbow. Every night I conquer two or three - well, they're not really chapters, let's call them sections - of the book before I've had my fill. So far I'm averaging about 10-20 pages a night, which seems stultifyingly slow; yet when I'm reading I rarely feel like I'm struggling at all. Instead, every sentence seems to hide subtle twists of phrase and underhanded wit that encourage multiple readings and much mulling over; it's the first time I've found the level of detail and subtlety that makes classic art so interesting to visit and revisit in the pages of a post-modern novel.
That said, I'm still only 60 pages into a 600-page novel that I started two weeks ago. I'm in no hurry to finish, but I do rather regret all the time I'm sinking into this book that I could be spending shooting dudes in the face.
Speaking of which, GDC is totally next week and I never even bothered to check out the schedule. So that's cool.
10:13 PM |
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