I've just had a ridiculously good day today.
For absolutely no definable reason, either. Good karma or harmonious chi, I guess.
Got a B on my first physics midterm, that puts me right on the low end of an A in the class.
Think I missed an opportunity to ask that cute girl in Japanese class out on a date. Oh well. I've got the rest of the semester, you gotta give the magic a chance to simmer.
Billy Sharpton said he liked my hair today in third period biology. He's so dreamy! Also, puppies = omg teh cutest!
Felt sorta Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.-ish. Guess I'd better bring the noise. Bring the funk.
Or something.
Nah, I got nothing. Too sublime a day, nothing to complain about. Got my first Kanji test tomorrow, probably gonna bomb it.
No worries though, I've got a good feeling about it.
9:07 PM |
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Comments (1)
I'm so glad that Billy Sharpton think's your cute... he is so dreamy.... *laughs* Also, glad to here you had a good day and that the cute girl might actually say yes.... and break a leg and all that...