Holy shit, I think I love cottage cheese.

As for that great new idea I mentioned earlier, eh; in hindsight, it's just a mildly interesting idea. Essentially, after an hour and a half of watching the food network I decided it would be a really smart idea to spend the next week in my own personal culinary hell; ideally, I would make and stand by a commitment to prepare one new dish a day for seven days. I meant to get started yesterday, and I actually did but forgot to take pictures. Today I took pictures, but forgot to bring the camera; so far, I'm 0 for 2. So I'm gonna dredge up the picture I took today of my crappy culinary creation (seafood ceviche on a bed of angel hair pasta) and post it tomorrow, along with (hopefully) whatever I cook tomorrow. In summary, here are the rules:

1. I must consume one new thing every day, which I have prepared. This is a wide stricture, and intentionally so; ideally I should be cooking a new dish with a new or weird ingredient every day, but as long as something I eat is prepared in a new way or is just a new culinary experience it counts. Thus should my fading social life actually shake it up a bit, I'm in the clear. I've already bought a pack of sardines (I hear they're a good high-protein snack,) so I'm set.
2. I must photograph whatever it is I prepare, to document my shoddy cooking for future generations to ogle.
3. I must keep track of how much money I spend on ingredients, and it is not to exceed $70 for the week. This equates to the estimated $10 a day I would otherwise spend on a takeout meal. I've already been to the store twice, once for a bill totaling thirteen something and the other fifteen something, so total (rounded up) I've dipped into $30 of my allotted amount so far.

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