So I've got this debate due.
Early tomorrow morning.
I've prepared maybe the first three opening points.
And I've got to be at work in about fifteen minutes.
But I'm not worried.
'Cause that's how I roll.
Etc, etc.

Also, I apologize for the rather unwieldy and sometimes downright irascibly ignorant nature of this particular piece of digital estate. I started this scrawl to get myself back into the habit of writing as early and often as possible, an optimistic hedge against the possibilities on the morrow. As such, I feel I'm obligated to assume that anyone and everyone (all three of you) might at some point lay their troubled eyes hence, and to pretend to write accordingly. Sorry, is that too dull? Lacks the traditional "pizzazz," that certain spark, the unrepentant purple prose of only the foolishly gifted or the most vainglorious windbags? Hmmm.

I'm late.

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