Forgot to call for jury duty.

Why do they send you these things 4-5 months in advance? Don't they have any sympathy for the calendar-challenged, the delightfully discombobulated? Maybe they'll arrest me; throw me in the slammer, send me up the river, lock me up and throw away the key. It's cool, I can understand.

I'm a rebel.

For some reason, it seems I've lost all sense of social timing in the last week or so. It's left me adrift, unable to properly express my impotent rage. Instead I've had to flail about powerlessly, my wild gesticulations and strangled attempts at humor lost amid a sea of vacuous chatter. This stuff is no exception; my endeavours regarding poignant irony and dry witticism fall flat every time, and I'm having trouble even completing a sentence properly.

On the other hand, I'm kicking basic sentence structure and paragraph format's ass.

I've got to get out of here, the gym closes in thirty minutes and I'm a lazy bum. I thought I'd throw up a picture of my cousin, because I enjoy knowing that I will get punched in the face by a family member at a socially inopportune moment. If you're having trouble, my blood relation is the one who's throwing up the signz.

She's got the funk.

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