Wish I had something interesting to write about. Spring break is incredibly boring; I've got a bunch of work I need to get done, and sitting around studiously avoiding it isn't helping. Mebbe I'll go out and slice n' dice the hedge after lunch, we'll see...
Last night ended alright, I guess. I didn't achieve my goal of experiencing an alcohol-infused night of debauchery, but I guess it's hard to feel bad about not consuming copious amounts of rotgut.
Reminded again that I am not manly. Beer tastes like crap, and if the water sources of Medieval Europe hadn't been contaminated by the accumulated offal of a civilization essentially shitting in their own tap water, I guarantee it would never have risen to prominence as the beverage of choice.
Yes, I know about the Egyptians and the nutritive properties, etc. The stuff's mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Doesn't mean it tastes any better.
Also, a note concerning forethought. Should you plan to embark on an evening about town and the recreational imbibing of libations is your goal, do your companions the favor of bringing your goddamn I.D. The 350-pound doorman isn't going to be swayed by your Grizzly Adams beard and fond recollections of life in the 80's, no matter how hard you sell it.
Garrett was supposed to hit me up for lunch at Ye Olde Ship, but it's gettin' on towards two and I imagine he only woke up an hour or so ago. Screw it, I'm hungry and there's salmon in the fridge.
Ramblin' post is ramblin'.
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