After spending some intimate personal time with the general theory of relativity, I feel qualified to indulge the reader in my opinion that the basic postulates of special relativity were essentially Albie E.'s own personal "fuck you" to the world at large.

Especially when it comes to the implications of time dilation; every time I try and plausibly imagine a scenario in which space might contract relative to the observer, all I can see is Einstein ripping into a chunk of raw steak in one hand while punching me in the face with the other. Occasionally, he'll finish off with a little impromptu air guitar.

Road trip to San Fran!

I wants some teriyaki donuts.

Comments (1)

On December 10, 2007 at 7:35 PM , Anonymous said...

Great imagery, but I think you meant special theory of relativity. While it holds true for general relativity, you most definitly haven't covered that yet XD