Alcohol + high fructose corn syrup = words are hard so it's a picture-heavy post, just a heads-up.

The usual painfully purple prose is difficult; instead, let's try for terse description. It'll be like a Sam Spade paperback, if Spade drank Long Islands and wandered the dirty soulless streets with pockets full of fun-size Snickers.

With no Halloween plans to speak of things were looking grim; I'd seriously conidered writing a holiday coverage piece for extra credit, a sure sign of naked desperation.
Providence has a flair for the dramatic, and the night before the fateful holiday an acquaintance I hadn't spoken to in weeks called to inform me they were forming a
Dr. Horrible group; a lanky beanpole stand-in for the inimitable NPH was desperately needed, was I a bad enough dude to tackle the part?

My heart skipped a beat at the offer. I like to think of myself as a pretty shady character, but this is Dr. Howser we're talking about; the man tames unicorns.

Thankfully I managed to root around beneath my skirt and find some balls. We assembled a pretty respectable group with Captain Hammer, his archnemesis, two Hammer groupie and even a decent Moist! My very own sidekick in tow we stepped out on the town, wandering the bars in the Haight and crashing a decidedly uncomfortable house party before arriving at some dive where a friend claimed to "know the band."
We scored some pretty sweet home-baked pumpkin spice bread and free lighters somewhere in there as well, but I digress.

Sex With No Hands took the stage, and though I was too busy head-banging with Fred Flintstone and the Reverse Cowgirl to pay much attention I think they did the joint justice; there was at least one kick-ass
Ghostbusters theme cover.

That picture you see below was compiled at the behest of Those Guys In The Corner Booth; blank paper and Crayola were provided and drunken revelers proceeded to communally compile the greatest Rabbits vs. Scots epic ever told, one panel at a time. I guess they also went to Burning Man? They kept urging me to go, but I was too enthralled with my crayons to pay much heed. Rabbits and the Scottish,
enemies since the dawn of time.

Slept in today, and all the horrible San Francisco weather held at bay by the sanctity of holidays involving candy was unleashed with an almost audible sigh. Walked four miles in pouring rain to mail the application packet for an internship I'll never land, then bummed around the apartment playing Fallout 3 and eating leftover candy. It's been a good few days.