I wish I had something electrifying to post, a post-modern smorgasbord of forbidden delights which you might devour at your leisure in a vivaciously vicarious manner.
But I've gotta get over to the gym, shower and cook lunch before I run down to Anaheim to hit on attractive women.
C'est la vie.
12:23 PM |
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So, I find I'm really developing an addiction to hazelnut. Seriously. I put hazelnut coffee sweetener in my tea, in my oatmeal, in yogurt...shit, even in my coffee. It's getting out of hand. And Nutella? Best not even to discuss the delicious horror that Italy has unleashed upon the world.
I joined Jasmine and her father at Rutabegorz for a mid-afternoon snack today (as I am wont to do) and went hogwild by ordering a salad. We picked up a svelte side of thai ginger peanut dip as well, and things went downhill from there. Peanut butter makes everything more delicious, and in an effort to prove this point I dunked a complimentary lemon wedge in the delectable dip and took a bite. Turns out, lemon wedge + peanut butter = mouthgasm. So, of course, I dipped everyone
else's complimentary lemon wedge in the concoction and proceeded to thoroughly enjoy myself. There was no stopping my rampant deviance; I moved on to fishing hunks of broccoli and cauliflower out of my salad and coating them in the forbidden fruit, before finally giving in to my perverse cravings and topping what remained of my forlorn spinach salad with an unholy mixture of balsamic vinegar and French's yellow mustard.
It was delicious.
I tipped our waitress extra; she wasn't so hot with the service, but no mortal should be forced to witness such gastronomic heresy uncompensated.
9:37 PM |
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