So I found this huge used bookstore in Anaheim that's going of business next month.
Currently they're running a 70% off sale, and it can only get better in the next few weeks.
I, uhh...dropped like forty bucks there this morning. But hear me out.
I got like, a hundred and thirty dollars worth of books.
I appreciate that you're geeky enough to have remained vaguely intrigued thus far, but beware: the image you are about to see is not for the faintly interested!
Behold my bibliophilic bounty!

I know it's a bit blurry, allow me to elucidate:
1. Various Vampire: The Masquerade books (including a first edition copy of the Player's Guide.)
2. Exalted Storyteller's Companion.
3. Mage Boston sourcebook.
4. A copy of Mutants & Masterminds, a few books for Aberrant and Trinity, an old White Wolf quarterly, old Shadowrun adventure...and oh yeah...
5. A copy of First Edition Shadowrun! It's not worth any money or anything, it's just ridiculously cool! C'mon! 1980's cyberpunk! Mohawks! Neon bikinis! Radical!
And they had even more weird and cool stuff! An original copy of Hoyle's Games, military survival manuals from the 70's, weird bibles...
Waste of two hours and forty dollars? Absolutely.
Awesome Sunday morning? F'sho.
Me: 1 Wisdom teeth: 0